Hi All Shanklin Sailors and welcome back as we prepare to start our 2022 racing season in a fortnight's time
The weather for our first practice session (March 6th) is looking a bit too spritely (and easterly) to be out on the water practicing starts - so unless conditions improve considerably we shall stay on land and in the boat park.
If you haven't come down for a while, please join us in the boat park to take advantage of the last couple of weekends to give your boat a good checking-over. From the movement of boats that we've done over the winter (for boat park clean etc) there are many boats that have water in their hulls, trolley wheels that need to be pumped up and rigging etc that needs to be checked. I will bring spray and cloths to clean out the mast and tracks - after a winter of high winds most masts will have been sand-blasted so a clean is needed to ensure the sail goes up smoothly in a couple of week's time! If your mast stayed up during the winter we can topple your boat on the beach to clean the mast and check the hound. It's also a good excuse to visit your local chandlery for bits and bobs - pretty string, electrical tape, new burgee, spare shackles etc. If you're unsure about anything there are many fonts of knowledge at the club to tap into and loads of info on this website, and Sprint15.com
Putting out the Buoys
The buoys are all ready to go out onto the water. There are some pretty strong easterlies over the next week so we shall aim to get them out onto the water as soon as these have passed. Please watch this space (and the WhatsApp group) about when we will have a date to organise - as much help as possible will be much appreciated!
See you in the boat park!