Good day for jobs and Surfists

Sailing chat

Good day for jobs and Surfists

Postby Yvonne-Pike » January 8th, 2023, 4:09 pm

Happy New Year!

Some winter jobs got underway this morning - thanks to everyone who came along:

In the next fortnight(ish) Les will be doing some levelling in the zapcat boat sheds in order to allow the engine to fit without banging on the roof. Please look out for messages for assistance on the WhatsApp once the date is confirmed.

Half the racing bouys have been checked, rechained etc and are ready for the Spring. We'll complete the second half by the end of January. :!: If anyone has any SMALL tyres (say 12-14") that are just lying around, please can we have them for weights.

Many thanks to Ian W for the endless coffees and fish-finger sandwiches - much appreciated :)

Hope to see you in a fortnight (weather-permitting we are off to Draycote TT next week).
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Joined: January 4th, 2015, 2:25 pm

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