Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 01983 721264
Next high tide: Sat (3.67m)

Scoring codes

DNF : Started but did not finish the race.
Scores points equal to the number of competitors in that race plus 1.

OCS : On the course side of the start at the start of the race.
Scores as DNF.

DTY : Duty. 3 points. May be awarded instead of APS at discretion of vice commodore.

AP : Average points.
Average of competitor's points in that series.

APS : Average points (safety). Impeded or retired due to helping another boat.
Average of competitor's points in that series.

DNC : Did not compete, did not come to the start.
Scores points equal to the number of competitors in that series plus 1.

DSQ : Disqualified.
Scores as DNC.

DNS : Came to the start but did not race.
Scores as DNC.

NB: DSQ will only be awarded as a result of a protest; sailors committing infringements are marked as OCS or DNF unless there is a protest.

APS, DNF, OCS, DSQ all contribute to the number of competitors in a race.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXIV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club