Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 01983 721264
Next high tide: Fri (4.82m)

Update 12th June - From the Commodore, Nick Guest

Mick McLaughlin

Members may be aware that the funeral for Mick will take place on Friday 26 June 2.15pm at the crematorium. There are currently restrictions on numbers allowed to attend funerals (28) inside, although the service may be relayed via speakers outside the crematorium for additional people to attend and social distance, although this is still to be confirmed.

Return to Racing and Time Trial Cup!

The committee is closely following guidance from the RYA on how to begin to introduce racing and open the Clubhouse. Attached is a spreadsheet detailing the phases and steps the committee will address and follow in line with changing government recommendations and law. In addition, attached is information on the clubs first step towards racing, the Time Trial Cup! We are grateful to Yvonne who attended RYA webinars, has produced the guidance and will coordinate this return to competitive sailing. Please read the guidance carefully, if you are not on Shanklin Whatsapp group contact Yvonne and she can facilitate this, be safe and enjoy!


Sadly the Clubhouse remains closed and this is likely for a while. We are informed by the council that the public toilets will be open very soon (this weekend?). Sails and equipment needs to be stored at home or with boats at present. If any member needs to retrieve sails etc from the sailroom can they contact the Commodore or Secretary to facilitate access. Please remember to maintain social distancing at all times in the boat park and on the beach.

The committee is meeting very regularly and will continue to keep you updated with any developments or changes to current arrangements.

Thank you and stay safe.

Covid Committee 12/6/20

Return to sailing plan

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXIV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club