Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 01983 721264
Next high tide: Fri (4.82m)

Resumption of Racing Sunday July 12, 2020

This week the RYA have confirmed that we are allowed to run racing for an unlimited number of boats. For SSC this means that “normal” racing will resume on Sunday, July 12th with a race officer in the starting box and a patrol boat on the water.

Please check the website for the revised fixtures list.

…...that’s the easy bit….!

Government guidelines are still very strict and must be adhered to. Gatherings on shore must be 6 people or less from different households, with a legally enforced limit of 30.
We want everyone to be able to enjoy getting back out racing in a safe and responsible manner but we have pinch-points in the boat-park, rigging, launching and recovery afterwards. We need to keep our distance from one-another so please read the following guidelines that are in place on race days for the safety of all concerned:
    • The clubhouse remains closed. Either arrive at SSC ready-dressed for sailing, or change in either the boat-park, club garden or your own vehicle. Shanklin’s public toilets are open.
    • Only sailors and race officials in the boat park and club grounds before and after racing. We want as many sailors as possible to be able to get out on the water safely and this will not be possible if there are lots of other people milling around.
    • The race course will be displayed on a white board in the boat park at least 30 minutes prior to the start of racing. The patrol boat will also have the course so if you are out on the water early you can ask.
    • Please do not stop and chat with others in the boat park on race day. Arrive in time to prepare your boat, prepare yourself and then get out on to the water as quickly as possible.
    • Use the whole beach! We don’t all need to be crowded under the side of the car-park wall. Consider launching early. Maybe put in a practice lap.
    • Signing on: a register will be compiled before racing (either by the race officer or the boat park marshal -see duties section below). Boats will be considered to be racing if they are on the course and in the vicinity of the starting buoys when the five-minute horn is sounded.
    • When returning to the beach after the race, check to ensure there are not too many boats already landing, and – if safe to do so – stay on the water a little longer to give others time to move up the beach.
    • Put your boat away quickly and safely and then leave the boat park area. This allows others space to do the same after you.
    • Results will be posted on the club website in the usual manner.

IN short: Please be considerate of others and avoid “gathering” in the boat park and on the beach.

Sailing is in a privileged position sporting-wise – many grass-roots sport still cannot get underway. We do not want to be told we have to stop because our members are not following the spirit of the law.

Shanklin Sailing Club: Duties (patrol boat, race officer and boat-park marshal)

The duty rota is being updated and all those who are sailing will be expected to assist in some way shape or form (if not shielding) at least once. John and Keith have volunteered to do some of the race-box duties, and Les has kindly volunteered to do the majority of patrol boat cover, however when the conditions are less than favourable we will need two to man the patrol boat. If you have any concerns about doing a duty please let me know ASAP. If we can run a patrol boat with a family “bubble” that will be preferable, otherwise we can operate it with two persons wearing face-masks.
The boat-park marshal is a new duty for Sundays that ensures sailors are social-distancing both in the boat park and when rigging on the beach etc. You will still be able to take part in the racing.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the start line on Sunday!

Yvonne Pike

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXIV

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Shanklin Sailing Club