Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Wed (4.57m)

Boat Yard Protocol

Please see below changes to the rules for boats in our boat yard from 2019 onwards.

1)Boat Park and racking space allocations to be reviewed annually by the Committee and Boat Park Marshall.
2)Boat Park and racking spaces are allocated at the discretion of the Committee and priority will be given to those members who most frequently utilise their craft and the Club's facilities. Subject to all fees having been paid.
3)SSC owned boats/equipment storage has top priority.
4)Each SSC membership shall have a priority for only one boat park space and one racking space (e.g. a family membership is classed as one membership).
5)There will be a waiting list created for all unsuccessful boat park and racking space requests, the waiting list will hold details of allSSC members’ requests for spaces (including the date of each application). Only SSC Members are allowed to request a space.
6)No under boat storage of other craft (e.g. Kayak) is allowed.
7)A roadworthy & regularly used Road Trailer may be kept in the boat park at the discretion of the Boat Park Marshall.
8)If, in the opinion of a majority of the Committee, a boat space is not being used in accordance with the Club's main objective, the recreation of sailing, the space may be forfeited. Before authorising such forfeiture, the Committee shall give the member an opportunity to explain why the craft has not been used. If the Committee decides to uphold the forfeiture, a period of 21 days shall be allowed to the member for the removal of the boat.
9)Boat park and racking spaces that become vacant will be reallocated in accordance with the principles of this protocol, making due allowance for the owners position in the waiting list.
10)In order to maximise use of all available space in the Boat Park, the Boat Park Marshall has discretion to move boats and, if necessary, allocatea new space to any boat within the compounds. The owner of the boat will be informed and should be present if possible.
11)In the event of a reduction, temporary or permanent, of Boat Park or racking spaces the Committee will re-assess all allocations in accordance with the principles of this protocol. If craft are required to be removed the member will be notified and have 21 days to complete the removal. The member will be reimbursed the remaining portion of the boat park fees paid for that year.
12)Any SSC member, who wishes to upgrade/downgrade to either a larger/smaller boat, or to switch from a cat to a mono-hull or vice versa, must apply for approval for such a change to the Committee. Any member who disregards this rule will automatically forfeit his current boat space with immediate effect.
13)All craft stored in SSC compounds must be kept in a seaworthy condition. It is advisable all craft are suitably insured in order to cover all eventualities on or off the water.

• Amended & agreed at AGM 17.11.19: Attached to SSC Rules under Section 7.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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Shanklin Sailing Club