Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 01983 721264
Next high tide: Wed (4.14m)

Pursuit start times

Start gun: Simon Giles
Paul Grattage
Sean McKenna
Liam Thom
1 minute:
2 minutes: Andrew Jefferies
Stuart Pierce
Mark Pritchard
3 minutes: Chris Murphy
Jo Murphy
Keith Newnham
Yvonne Pike
Ian Wilkinson
4 minutes: Bob Baker
Kevin Ellis
Nick Guest
Geoff Leather
Tony Murrant
John Shenton
Shaun Smith
5 minutes:

Ian Bolton
Lewis Couch
Brandon Holmberg
James Pike

6 minutes: Sophia McKenna
Todd Murrant
Neil Williams
7 minutes: Pascoal Fernandes
8 minutes: Richard Beasley
Alan Howie Wood
Bob Marks
9 minutes: David Kast
Harry Vernon
10 minutes: The rest
15 minutes on line: Challenger

Times are subject to change.

All starts are from the beach unless there is large surf.

For beach starts, competitors must have their feet on the ground when their individual horn sounds. Sailors can be given assistance in launching by others.

Junior helms sailing with 0 minute start crew incur a 3 minute delay.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXIV

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Shanklin Sailing Club