Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Thu (4.51m)


Click on links below for more details

Nov '24
Remembrance Sunday

The racing on Sunday the 10th of November will start at 11.15. Sailors are invited to observe a period of silence and reflection on the beach at 11am.
Nov '24
Layng Up Supper 2024

The Shanklin Sailing Club annual Laying up Dinner and Prize Giving is on the Saturday 16th November at the Channel View Hotel. Hope Road, Shanklin. 7pm for 7.30pm. £37.50 per person. Includes tea or coffee. Meal choices as soon as possible please, but at the latest by Saturday 2nd November. ...
Aug '24
Fireworks Cup

The Fireworks Cup has been rescheduled to after the Fox 2 Up race on Sunday 25th August.  This replaces the Sprint Series race.
May '24
Southern Championship report and pictures

There is a report of the very successful Dart 15 Southern Championship at Shanklin on the Dart 15 web site at https://dart15.co.uk/events/EMS/event.php?id=253 There are also pictures of the racing here: https://dart15.co.uk/picture-gallery-171_Southern-Championship-at-Shanklin.php and pictures of ...
May '24
Southern Championship

The Dart 15 Southern Championship takes place at Shanklin on the weekend of the 18th and 19th May 2024. All sailors are very welcome to take part, regardless of your ability or experience. We are racing around our normal course with our usual start line and marker buoys. It costs just £25 t...
Nov '23
Laying Up Supper

The 2023 Laying Up Supper and prize giving will be at the Channel View Hotel on the 18th November. The three course dinner menu is attached. Please send dinner choices to one of the Rear Commodores: Ian Bolton: Ianbolton123@gmail.com 07778 838496 Ian Wilkinson: outland.warehouse@gmail.com 07717 73...
Aug '23
Sandown Regatta 2023

Sandown Regatta is on Sunday the 13th August. All sailing boats are welcome in any format. There are some big cups to be won. There will be two races back to back with the warning signal for the first race at 9.55am. We will be using the Sailing Instructions of Shanklin Sailing Club and that is t...
Jun '23
Pair of big trolley wheels

The club has been very kindly donated a pair of large beach trolley wheels to fit a small axle. They are in the small boat park if you want to view them. They are offered for sale but only to members of the club who currently have only small wheels on their trolley. The price is £90 for the pair....
May '23
Yaverland Race

The race on Sunday 21st May is the Yaverland Race. The start time is 9.30am. The course will be shown on the board in the club house before the start of the race. The finish line will be a transit of Buoy B and the white line and red triangle on the race box, unless it is shortened before that po...
Apr '23
Chris Read Trophy

There is a new cup race on Sunday 16th April at 9.50am. Before the race, Chris Read's ashes will be scattered on the start line. Afterwards there will be a beach start, unless there is excessive surf, and boats will be allowed to start in order of their sail number. You cannot put a lower sai...
Mar '23
Second lesson and practice

There will be a talk about the Racing Rules of Sailing at the club house at 10am. Hopefully it should be suitable conditions for a few practice races afterwards. Please get your boats on the beach (if you want to sail) ready for a 10am start in the clubhouse.
Mar '23
Boat fettling, lesson and practice

There is a lesson and practice on Sunday (5th March) open to all members of Shanklin Sailing Club. Have your boat ready on the beach and be in your sailing gear for 10am. There will be a briefing in the clubhouse and then if conditions are suitable we will have some tuition and practice races on t...
Mar '23
Fitting out supper

All members and their guests are invited to an American Dinner at the Club to celebrate the start of the Sailing season. SATURDAY 18th March. 7.30pm. Please bring your own drinks,the club does have soft drinks to purchase. If all those attending can bring a dish for the evening to share.Big or Sma...
Nov '22
Laying Up Supper

Shanklin Sailing Club Laying up dinner and awards evening Saturday 26th November 7pm for 7.30pm Channel View Hotel, Hope Road, Shanklin 3 Course meal including coffee £30 Booking and meal choice by Monday 14th November. Payment to Shanklin Sailing Club to secure place. Please bring a raffle prize...
Sep '22
September Series IV

The fourth race in the September Series will be raced on Friday 23rd September instead of the previous day.
Aug '22
Sandown Regatta 2022

There are two sailing races on Sunday 14th August starting at the pier at 10am. All sailing boats are eligible. The start line will be between a red or green flag on the end of the pier and a tall thin yellow buoy. The course will be formed by four large yellow inflatable buoys - that look like ...
Jul '22
Rescheduled Yaverland Race

The Yaverland Race has been rescheduled for Saturday July 2nd 2022 at 12.30pm. All boats with a PY can take part.
May '22
Sprint 15 Southern Championship

Well done to Paul Grattage for retailing the Southern Championship. It was a superb event with the perfect weather on the Saturday with four races in Champagne sailing conditions. It was great to see 21 boats on the water including 18 from Shanklin. It could not have taken place without all the v...
May '22
Shanklin TT

The next Sprint 15 Association traveller event is being held at Shanklin on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May. All Shanklin members are warmly encouraged to take part. There are five races with the first at noon on the Saturday. Entry is £25 and you can enter on-line at https://forms.gle/Jp5iAPLm...
Mar '22
New season 2022

Dear members Welcome to the start of what we will hope is a more normal sailing season at Shanklin this year. Hopefully the easterly winds will abate in the next few days and we will be able to get the buoys out in bay ready for racing to begin on Sunday 20th March. Look out for updates on the for...
Nov '21
Laying up Supper

You are invited to Shanklin Sailing Club Laying up Supper & Presentations 2021 Which will be at the. Channel View Hotel. Hope Road Shanklin. Saturday 13th November 2021 19.00 hrs for 19.30 hrs More details on the forum.
Sep '21
September Challenge Series

The second race on Sunday 26th September will be the September Challenge Cup.
Aug '21
Catamaran parts from Speedy Sports

If anyone needs any bits from Sailing For All/Speedy Sports, check the link below and Steve will bring them to the Island for the Sports Nationals. Let Chris Read know what you need and I will order them from Steve.
Aug '21
Sandown Regatta

The Sandown Regatta races has been postponed to Saturday 14th August due to a forecast of strong winds on the 8th. There will be two races with the first starting at 12 noon. There will be a committee boat start using a Dart 15 with an orange flag and a round white buoy as the start line. There w...
Jul '21
Club house

Dear Members Following a full committee meeting last week we can confirm that the clubhouse, changing rooms and all areas are now fully open. In line with Government and RYA advice it is for members to take personal responsibility for their and other members safety, we are confident that people wil...
Jun '21
The Isle of Wight Dinghy Championship

The regatta at Gurnard has been postponed to Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th July 2021. More details on iwdinghychampionship.co.uk and gurnardsc.org.uk
Jun '21
Change of Sailing Instructions for Ventnor Races, 20th June 2021

A boat receiving outside help shall be allowed to continue racing and shall not be penalised for receiving that help. This replaces RRS rule 41.
Mar '21
Memo to members

Dear Members We are delighted to inform you that in line with National guidance sailing activities will be able to recommence from Monday 29th of March. We share your frustration in not being able to access the boatyard in recent weeks and thank you for your patience and adhering to the National lo...
Mar '21
RYA Guidance for return to boating

Please see a link below to the RYA's roadmap for the return to sailing.
Mar '21

Please see below the SSC Newsletter from the 6th March 2021.
Jan '21
Message from the commodore

Dear Shanklin Sailing Club Member Happy New Year! We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas despite the circumstances and are staying safe during these challenging times. The Covid committee met remotely last Thursday evening to review the current RYA guidance and government legislation during the cu...
Nov '20
Resumption of sailing

Dear Shanklin SC Members, There was a collective sigh of relief across the whole of the IOW last week when the government announced we are that lucky few in the cherished Tier 1. Please see the attached PDF from the RYA: From the beginning of Wednesday, December 2nd grassroot sports – including s...
Nov '20
Covid Committee Update

Dear SSC Members Following the changes to national guidelines and restrictions the Covid Committee met on line to look at latest guidance from the RYA and decide the implications for Shanklin Sailing Club. Clubhouse, Sailing and Boat Park. The RYA guidance states • “outdoor sports centres and...
Oct '20
Message to members

Dear Member As we approach the end of what has been a very different and difficult sailing season the Covid Committee wishes to update members on end of season arrangements: Unfortunately, due to current pandemic restrictions the formal Laying-up Dinner & Presentation evening planned at the Brun...
Oct '20
Club race - 6th October

Since the buoys are likely to still be out on the 6th October there will be a club race at 2pm. The format is sport mode. This race will not contribute to any series or cup.
Aug '20
Sprint Cup

The Sprint Cup (not raced due to lack of wind) has been rescheduled to Sunday 20th September after the Sprint Series III race.
Aug '20
Ladies, Juniors and Novices Cup

The above races have been postponed to the following week and will now take place after the Sprint Series 2 race on Sunday 30th August.
Jul '20
Advice to members on leisure sailing

Dear Member It is really good to see so many people out sailing either in groups or racing. Members have been observing social distancing and being considerate towards each other. Following recent events can we remind all members of the sailing advice sent out by the Vice Commodore in June. Prepa...
Jul '20
Resumption of Racing Sunday July 12, 2020

This week the RYA have confirmed that we are allowed to run racing for an unlimited number of boats. For SSC this means that “normal” racing will resume on Sunday, July 12th with a race officer in the starting box and a patrol boat on the water. Please check the website for the revised fixtures lis...
Jun '20
Return to sailing road map

Please see PDF.
Jun '20
Update 12th June - From the Commodore, Nick Guest

Mick McLaughlin Members may be aware that the funeral for Mick will take place on Friday 26 June 2.15pm at the crematorium. There are currently restrictions on numbers allowed to attend funerals (28) inside, although the service may be relayed via speakers outside the crematorium for additional p...
Jun '20
Update and Guidance for Social Sailing

Since the start of “relaxation” of the lockdown rules, it is great to see so many members in the boat park, taking their boats onto the water and enjoying sailing once more. We have established an SSC Covid-19 sub-committee to keep on top of the latest information from both the government and the R...
Jun '20
Update on coronavirus

Dear Members Mick McLaughlin I am sure you will all have been shocked at the tragic death of Mick McLaughlin two weeks ago. A lively bubbly well respected member of the club who will be sadly missed. The club is in contact with the family but there is no information about funeral arrangements at...
May '20
Shanklin Sailing Club Update on Coronavirus

Dear Members; Following the Government's recent announcements regarding lockdown, we wanted to let you know that the Committee is committed to staying up to date with the situation in order to take action at the appropriate times. The Club Committee will continue to monitor updates from the Govern...
May '20
Racing suspension

As I’m sure you will be aware, the national situation with the Coronavirus pandemic is changing daily and in line with our recent communication we promised to keep you up to date with how this impacts on sailing and access to the clubhouse. The committee have looked at current guidance from the RYA ...
Dec '19
Pre Christmas Celebration

At the Steamer Inn Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 7pm Eat as much or as little as you want, choose from the menu on the night. All we need are your names. The more the merrier. To book. Please reply to Chris Read on: chris@thefamilyread.co.uk or 07753821477
Nov '19
Laying Up Supper

Laying Up Supper Saturday, November 9th at the Bourne Hall Hotel. 7pm for 7.30pm Ladies and Gentlemen, with the very successful Sports Nationals now behind us, and the end of the sailing season imminent, we can turn our heads to our Laying-Up supper and the much-anticipated presentation of prizes....
Jul '19
Scattering of ashes

Erling's family would like to scatter his ashes on the start line before the start of racing on the 7th July.
Jun '19
Wedding of Christopher Murphy and Josephine Pollon

The Wedding of Christopher Murphy and Josephine Pollon 22nd June 2019 You are all invited to the Evening celebrations at : the Wight Hotel, 11 Avenue Rd, Sandown PO36 8BN at 20:30 for drinks and live music from island band Storm. For those of you who wish to attend the Church ceremony, this will ...
May '19
A Tribute to Erling Holmberg

He was a Shanklin Sailing Club member for over 60 years. He was like the rigging holding a mast up, except in this case the Club. He was pivotal in everything that happened at the Club organizing events, trips to events, work parties, ditch cleaning, peace-keeper and so much more. He had held po...
Apr '19
Ventnor Races

28th April 2019 The Ventnor Races are postponed until the 28th July. There is likely to be a big swell after the gale passes through on Saturday and there is likely to be bit too much wind to go out of the bay. There will be normal racing at Shanklin. 10am: Fox 2 Up To follow: Sprint Series
Apr '19
Change of fixture - 30th April

The Tuesday Afternoon Series race IV will now be held on Monday the 29th April at 2pm which would have been Erling's birthday.
Apr '19
Island Roads playing in Shanklin

Island Roads are resurfacing on the Esplanade and Hope Hill. They are starting on the 23rd April but it looks like they are starting on the 29th outside the club. Sailing continues. You may need to walk a bit further to get to the club. Better still there are plenty of spaces for bicycles at the ...
Mar '19
Fitting out supper

"Fitting Out Supper" aka Curry and Quiz night Saturday March 16th 7pm Marlborough Hotel, Shanklin Raffle: with great prizes from local contributors Please help us to kick the season off in style with home-made curries (with all the trimmings) from the Pascoal family, and dessert of Eton Mess. Test ...
Jan '19
2019 membership fees

The boat park and membership fees as well as the application form are now available from this page: https://www.shanklinsailingclub.com/membership.php
Nov '18
Changes to club rules

Following today's AGM the rules have been amended so that a family member now includes children under 19 or under 25 if in full time education. 3) A FAMILY MEMBER, - which shall include one or two parents (as may be) and all children under the age of 19 or 25 in full-time education . The family u...
Nov '18

There will be an EGM at the club house on Sunday 25th November at 10.30. More details in the members' section of the forum.
Nov '18
Laying up supper

SSC Laying up Supper Saturday 10th November 2018 Shanklin Conservative Club The Regency Suite 7pm for 7.30pm We have managed to keep the price the same as last year with table service. £25 Per person £20 Younger Members two Courses from the Menu, normal portion size. Children under 13, menu follow...
Aug '18
Conservative Challenge Cup

Due to the gusts of up to 43 knots this morning the Conservative Challenge Cup was not raced today. It has been rescheduled for next Sunday - 5th August. The Fox 2 Up and Sprint Series that it replaces have both been already settled. There will be up to six short open handicap races with the usua...
Mar '18
Fitting out supper

17th March 1830 for 1900 hrs Hot & Cold Adult buffet £8.95 includes:- Selection of gourmet sandwiches Chorizo sausage rolls Bread /Olives/ Balsamic dip Meat Balls in Tomato Salsa Sauce Sweet Potato Fries Feta Salad Halloumi Kebabs Stone Baked Pizza Slices Children’s Menu £4.95 per head Chicken Nu...
Jan '18
Changes to club rules

The committee would like to change the rules for family membership to the following. 3) A FAMILY MEMBER, - which shall include one or two parents (as may be) and all children under the age of 19 or 25 in full time education . The family unit shall have two votes excisable by both parents and full ...
Nov '17
Changes to the sailing instructions

The following change was made to the sailing instructions at the November committee meeting and was approved at the AGM. Was: 20 - If any club member is required to be the ROOD or any member is representing the club at an away fixture they will be given average points for that series. Now change...
Nov '17
Laying up supper

The laying up supper will be held at Shanklin Conservative Club on the 18th November.
May '17
Push the Boat Out

Open Day Shanklin Sailing Club is holding an open day on the 13th May between 9.30am and 1pm. Anybody can come along to Little Hope Beach at Shanklin and try out sailing on a Sprint 15 catamaran or a Laser Pico dinghy. You will be taken out with experienced sailors and you can do as much of the...
Mar '17
Fitting Out Supper

The Fitting Out Supper will be held on Saturday the 18th March 2017 at UKSA in Cowes. 7.30pm. There will be a buffet - no need to choose beforehand. Bar. Sailing quiz. Free minibus transport from Shanklin Sailing Club to Cowes and back. £23.50 per person including meal. Contact Mark Randerson on...
Nov '16
Changes to the sailing instructions

The following rules have been added to the Sailing Instructions following the committee meeting on the 3rd November: 25 - Sprint 15 catamarans without fixed cocktail cabinets whose average hull weight is less than 33kg shall carry correcting weights so that the combined weight of the two hulls and ...
Sep '16
Five Pound Trophy

There will be an extra race at the end of the season for people that have not won a top level cup this year. It will take place on 29th September and any boat can take part. The following are excluded from helming, but they can crew. Simon Giles Paul Grattage Erling Holmberg Sean McKenna Stuart P...
Nov '16
Laying Up Supper

The 2016 Laying Up Supper will be at the Regency Suite of Shanklin Conservative Club on Saturday the 12th November. 7 for 7.30pm. £23.50 per person. Children under 12 - £15. Contact Ian Wilkinson on 07717 738810.
Aug '16
EW Austin Cup

The EW Austin Cup will be rerun on Sunday 25th September in place of the Preston race 10. This is an open handicap race.
Aug '16
Sandown Regatta

Results of the regatta are here: http://www.shanklinsailingclub.com/open-series.php Series name 1st 2nd 3rd 2016 Sandown Regatta Race 1 Jamie Lavender, Chris Murphy 2016 Sandown Regatta Open Handicap Mark Pritchard, Liam Thom, Chris Murphy 2016 Sandown Regatta Sprint 15s Liam Thom, J...

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club