Autumn Series additional sailing instructions
These sailing instructions apply to all races of the Autumn Series excluding race 1.
- The series is open to Shanklin Sailing Club members sailing Dart 15s in two – up or unarig formats.
- The warning signal for races will be 10.25am.
- If all boats are ready, races may be started up to 15 minutes earlier than scheduled.
- The target time for races is 55 minutes for the lead boat
- The time limit for races is 80 minutes or 20 minutes after the first finisher whichever is earlier.
- SSC Sis rule 27 applies – boats may be finished at any part of the course.
- The inner distance mark may not be a mark of the course.
- The number of discards will be equal to a third of the number of races that are completed rounded down to the nearest whole number.