Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Thu (4.56m)


Click on links below for more details

Oct '24
Autumn Series additional sailing instructions

These sailing instructions apply to all races of the Autumn Series excluding race 1. The series is open to Shanklin Sailing Club members sailing Dart 15s in two – up or unarig formats. The warning signal for races will be 10.25am. If all boats are ready, races may be started up to 15 minu...
Apr '23
Chris Read Trophy

Below are the start times for the Chris Read Trophy 2024. Start times are based on the age of the boat with the oldest boats going first. If you have more than one boat you have to start on the time for the newest boat. If you change your boat you still go on the start time below, unless you chang...
Jul '23
Risk assessments for race officers

There are blank risk assessment forms in the club house for race officers to fill in prior to racing taking place each day. A copy can be downloaded from this page. The first seven lines are affected by the weather, tide and sea state. Windier conditions with large waves are potentially more risky...
Mar '21
Safer Sailing

Please see below guidance on safer sailiing
Jun '19
Patrol Boat Operating Procedures

First Checks: 1 Ensure the Boat is properly inflated before going afloat, otherwise the hull will flex. 2 Check there is adequate fuel, the breather valve is open and fuel can secure. 3 Ensure boat has oars/paddle. 4 Check Safety Canister is in place and secured and tow rope is aboard. 5 Check you...
Apr '19
How to set a course

The most important things you should look for in setting a course are a beat to windward and a run. Without these the race will be a game of "follow my leader". Ideally there would be a beat in the first leg but failing that a reach to the first mark is entirely acceptable. A running start is fin...
Mar '19
Start and finish lines

The start line is defined by a transit of the triangle on the start hut and the telegraph pole which is on the corner of the Hope Beach car park. The inner and outer mark buoys may or may not be on this line. You must follow the instructions on the course board to see which way to round these buoys ...
Jan '17
Gold, silver and bronze fleets

The fleets in the Revill and Preston Points Series will be divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze. All sailors race together with the same start line, course and start time. In the Revill Points Series on Thursdays the Silver Fleet will contest the W Lodge Cup and the Bronze fleet the Ventnor Regatt...
Jan '17
Sail floats

I have just collected the first Sprint 15 sail with buoyancy added to the top section. The buoyancy is easily removable by untying a few lengths of string. The buoyancy is class legal at Shanklin Sailing Club. All novice, lightweight or less physically able sailors should get this fitted to the...
Jul '16
Replica sails

Replica sails made by Hyde Sails can be used on Dart 15s when sailed in Shanklin Sailing Club club races. Mainsails are available with coloured sections, windows and float pockets and prices are from £418.50 to £459.60. Please contact Liam if you wish to purchase a sail.
Feb '16
Baker Challenge Series

The Baker Challenge Series (for the Baker Challenge Cup) will be a series of standard Sprint 15 unarig or two-up races. Unlike the Pursuit Series, all boats will start together. The races will be timed and individual times will be adjusted after the race. From 2022 onwards the results are automa...
Jan '14
What we sail

There are two main classes of boat at Shanklin, the Dart 15 and the Pico. The Dart 15 has been variously known as the Spark, the Dart 15, then Sprint 15 before returning to Dart 15. It is a fifteen foot, fibre-glass, catamaran designed for one or two crew. It can be sailed with a mainsail or with...
Mar '13
VHF Communications

THE VHF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME MOBILE BAND 156.00 MHz to 162.025 MHz divided into 59 channels with 25kHz between each. Plus national authorities allocate a number of private channels. ( Channel M1 and M2 in UK waters). Sometimes called P1 and P4. Coastal Station Radio (Marina) Licence Granted to S...
Oct '11
Dart 15 sailing formats

Most races at Shanklin are for unarig (mainsail only) Dart 15s or two-up sailing (mainsail and jib with helmsman and crew). These two formats are completely interchangeable as they share the same Portsmouth Yardstick handicap (PY) rating of 926 . The Fox 2 Up series must be raced with two sailors...
Sep '11
Tie breaks

Race series are decided by the following criteria. Lowest number of series points after discards are removed. Number of firsts. Number of seconds. Number of thirds. Best result in series. Lowest number of series points counting the best discard. Lowest number of series points counting the two best ...
May '23
Start lights

For a normal start you'll get the following lights in order: 5 min (plus class flag - usually F / red diamond on white - plus horn), 4 min (plus P flag - white rectangle on blue - plus horn), 1 min (P flag removed plus horn) and then Start (class flag removed plus horn). All lights are extingu...
Jan '10
Scoring codes

DNF : Started but did not finish the race. Scores points equal to the number of competitors in that race plus 1. OCS : On the course side of the start at the start of the race. Scores as DNF. DTY : Duty. 3 points. May be awarded instead of APS at discretion of vice commodore. AP : Average po...
Jan '10
35 minute rule

The race will be abandoned if the lead boat does not get to the first mark within 35 minutes. The 35 minute rule does not apply for any race where the first mark is not an SSC buoy.
Jan '10
Start proceedure

Turn the System On 1. Switch on the Power to the Light System 2. Plug in and switch on the Laptop (the application will run on the laptop automatically) 3. Once the application is available click the Connect button, once connected the screen will look as shown in the picture. Start a Race 1. C...
Nov '14
Shortening or abandoning after the start

32 Shortening or abandoning after the start 32.1 After the starting signal, the race committee may shorten the course (display flag S with two sounds) or abandon the race (display flag N, N over H, or N over A, with three sounds), as appropriate, (a) Because of an error in the starting procedure, (b...
Nov '14
Sailing Instructions

Sailing Instructions - 2024 These sailing instructions are for races run at Shanklin Sailing Club. They do not affect Dart 15 Association events. Races will be sailed under World Sailing rules, prescriptions of the RYA, the rules of the class concerned, except where modified by these sailing ins...
Jan '10
Pursuit start times

Start gun: Simon Giles Paul Grattage Sean McKenna Liam Thom   1 minute:   2 minutes: Andrew Jefferies Stuart Pierce Mark Pritchard   3 minutes: Chris Murphy Jo Murphy Keith Newnham Yvonne Pike Ian Wil...
Jan '10

3 races or less no discards 4 races = 1 discard 6 races = 2 discards 9 races = 3 discards Discards are for the number of races that were started in a series, regardless of how many a competitor takes part in. One third of the results in the Tuesday Afternoon Series and Peter Beardsall Series will ...

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club