Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Wed (4.57m)

Crew Results

Table shows number of top three positions in 2024.

Position Crew Firsts Seconds Thirds Races
1st Yvonne Pike 7 2 0 9
2nd Charlie Murphy 1 2 1 5
3rd Eli Newnham 1 0 1 3
4th Liam Thom 1 0 0 1
5th Alan Howie-Wood 0 3 1 8
6th Elise Naumann 0 1 0 6
6th Hatty Homan 0 1 0 1
6th Jadan Freer 0 1 0 1
6th Richard Phelps 0 1 0 1
10th James Pike 0 0 2 3
11th Sean McKenna 0 0 1 1
11th Bob Marks 0 0 1 1
11th Ian Wilkinson 0 0 1 2
11th Stuart Pierce 0 0 1 2
11th John Shenton 0 0 1 1
11th Darcy Homan 0 0 1 1
17th Maddie Morton Collings 0 0 0 1
17th Amelia Creswell 0 0 0 1
17th Paul Knights 0 0 0 5
17th Mile Ellis 0 0 0 1
17th Neeve O'Flynn
17th Pascoal Fernades 0 0 0 2
17th Rosa Naumann 0 0 0 2
17th Scott 0 0 0 1
17th Todd Murrant 0 0 0 7
17th Tony Murrant 0 0 0 1
17th Alfie Wilkinson 0 0 0 1
17th Tina Lavender 0 0 0 8
17th Tabby Williams 0 0 0 2
17th Sarah Naumann 0 0 0 9
17th Andrew Dean 0 0 0 2
17th Sanna Dean 0 0 0 2
17th Katie 0 0 0 1
17th Erik 0 0 0 1
17th Harriet Buckridge 0 0 0 1
17th Holly Homan 0 0 0 8
17th Emma Couch 0 0 0 1
17th Ellie Phelps 0 0 0 2
17th David Sanchez 0 0 0 3
17th Dee Sanchez 0 0 0 1
17th Chris Murphy 0 0 0 1
17th Jack Slaughter 0 0 0 3
17th Jacob 0 0 0 1
17th Karl Naumann 0 0 0 5
17th David Allen 0 0 0 2
17th Keith Newnham 0 0 0 1
17th Jon Moram 0 0 0 7
17th Jan O'Flynn
17th Bob Baker 0 0 0 1
17th Aiden O'Flynn
17th Kevin Ellis 0 0 0 2

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


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Shanklin Sailing Club